December 26, 2011

Dear Barn Cat

Aka- Aunt Pat,

Being the superstitious bird I am, I took down my Vegas vacation trip, photos. I didn't know sight seeing was "this BIG secret" so wanting to make a safe flight home, I quickly removed my photo shoot. By doing so the Vegas "Gods" rewarded me, with being seated, smack dab in the middle of two (TWIN) Australian soccer players. I was a little anxious with a middle seat (who me, anxiety on a plane?) Until this fine lad sat down next to the window, and I said "I was starting to think, I'd have this entire aisle all to myself, to which he replied (Thick) Australian accent "Oh my team mate, is on his way" Enter the even tanner, bluer eyes, of the two, I said "team mate, I think I just spotted your doppelgänger! Get your camera phone"- they laughed. And I enjoyed my best plane ride yet. Between two twin hunks! Thanks for warning about the Vegas rules, maybe you're next flight will be of that caliber.

(Don't tell...)

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