January 26, 2011

The Music That I Want...

Is Cheaper Than Therapy. 

Mr. Sam Beam is better known for his stage name, Iron & Wine.  The name Iron & Wine is taken from a dietary supplement named "Beef Iron & Wine" that he found in a general store while shooting a film.  The sheer sound of his voice puts my spirit at ease, and I often seek the company of Iron&Wine to combat sleepless nights. 

I share my love for Iron&Wine with an old co-worker of mine, Davina. "He makes me want to grab an easel and paint some crazy things" as she describes it.  Though our appreciation for him is comparable, for me, he appeases those brain waves that like to keep me awake at all hours of the night.

Those same brain waves, that like to keep me up most nights, also love the loop button. Often they choose to play  "The Sea and The Rhythm" over and over by Mr. Beam.

Opening my eyes yesterday morning, and realizing the date, it dawned on me that my main man Mr. Beam released a new album!  It had been four years since this lyrical genius had put out any new material. 

Yesterday felt like a holiday in my musical world.  It was like an old friend re-appeared after being on a four year hiatus.  And, I was not disappointed of his new perspective on this crazy world, while he was away those four years.

Davina and I shared our elation over text messages yesterday, and both decided number seven is the best track on the album.  So I'm going to pay it forward and share this gem with all of you!

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