November 11, 2010

Guilty Pleasure. or. 's. (you can make it plural)

For I have found myself nose-deep into the Twilight series. I have made fun of, even questioned, the better judgement of those who dug this sort of thing... but now I am officially apart of the club. I read the first of the four part series in two days! That Bella sure hangs out with a rough crowd! I mean first Vampires, and then Werewolves. What are the odds of having both of those mythical creatures at your high school?? One Vampire... One Werewolf... One Human?! Equation for disaster, if you ask me!

My second guilty pleasure of the week (and probably a hate crime towards Roller-Derby)- is this song I've been playing on repeat non-stop (at high volumes, of course) aka # 2 on the CD my father mailed me this past weekend. I'm in love with the entire CD, but my obsessive compulsive brain waves have voted this track number one. Time and time again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.


  1. I might have made fun of, possibly even eye-rolled, those Twilight fans myself. Might have even told them to get a life UNTIL I watched that first one and was sucked right in. How much longer 'til the next one?!

    And that cd Tony sent? I thought you had a hand in helping him make it - it's that good! The photo label was the perfect touch. He definitely gets the cool cat music award. Seriously, who shows up at family events with a pocketful of cds? Ah, lucky sisterpants we are.

  2. I know! I watched the first two about 3 times each, and went to the theater to see the third the very next night. But you HAVE to read the books, they are sooooo much better. Don't you just love joining a trend three years later- and talk about it non-stop. That's a fun game I just picked up. "Uh, have you guys heard of Twilight??? What about that Bella and Edward??" People probably think I crawled out of a time machine. Super fun.

    That CD Tony sent quite possibly made my top 5 of his best material so far, and the picture may have helped.

  3. Fine Job! I have never seen the video before, but really enjoyed it too.
    Happy to know that you girls enjoyed the cd's that I sent. I am working on a classic country one right now, but suspect the interest will quickly wane.
