After twelve days of unplanned travels and a late arrival back to Denver Wednesday night, I needed beer, music, and friends. Of course I was extremely thrilled to gaze into the abyss of my closet as my Roscommon gear was limited to one pair of jeans, a black shirt and or black tank top, and that purple zip up jacket. This ensemble was pretty much my staple or in other words- (ALL THAT I HAD TO WEAR FOR 12 DAYS)
Meadow has been venturing her little life outside for about five months now using the window that has no screen. However she does have a curfew, when the street lights come on of course. But this night was a celebration. I was back in the city! So I let her roam about the night to be in charge of her own celebrations. And that she was. As I was standing in the kitchen enjoying my wine, Meadow jumps through the screen-less window proceeding to prance her way into the kitchen to stand at my feet. Bending down to pick up my little studebaker head, a field mouse makes the great escape from her jaws into my kitchen. The brave soul standing next to me picks the little fella up, and it becomes clear to me..."ohhhhhh he's so cute" The wine may have been speaking, but the words did leave my mouth.
The decision was made: This mouse cannot possibly survive in the outside world in this sort of condition. He needs to rest and heal up first. My mothering instincts found a beer cap and poured milk into it for Mr. Field Mouse Moskowitz to regain strength. Sure enough he drank it, as I built him a little home from an empty beer box equipped with wash clothes for comfort. We placed his beer clad palace on the breakfast nook and would take turns peeking at him to check his stats. He was all good in the beer hood....
The wine was gone, and my abandoned bed was calling my name. I said my goodnights and engulfed myself in that bed I had been longing for. I awoke the following morning with Meadow purring and being overly affectionate. As I sat up in bed the first cognitive thought that flashed through my head...' 'Really.... really? Did I seriously put a mouse into a box and leave it with a beer cap full of milk?'
Scared to investigate I was relieved to see Moskowitz's palace still intact on the breakfast nook. The pit of my stomach was in knots as I held my breath and veered into the box. Hoping the little guy made it through the night and nursed himself back to health. My findings were far worse than imagined: a missing body! I searched the entire kitchen but alas... no luck. After regrouping and coming to terms with the fact that I may have a new room mate who may or may not be living. I unpacked my miniscule traveling kit and then placed myself comfortably on the couch with my laptop. Kicking my feet up on the coffee table I reached over for my glass of water, and right there in front of my very own face was Mr. Field Mouse Moskowitz! Appearing to have been strategically placed next to my large candle for my viewing pleasure. I am in no way claiming to be a crime scene investigator of any sorts, and am not a fan of pointing fingers. But a certain little studebaker head that eats cat food and instinctively finds mice appealing may have grazed her body past the coffee table only to lay Moskowitz to his final destination
(Side note)- Rest assure... he had a proper funeral of a bud light box and a high end dumpster, and I poured ' a little liquor out... in his honor.
R.I.P Mr. Field Mouse Moskowitz. ?/2010-09/29/2010.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."
Homecomings fit perfectly with this time of year. Studebaker has a ring to it that I love. As you predicted @ Mohawk wi-fi, tv but no people. I'm baffled as in Highlander fame.
ReplyDeleteI found a baby bird when I was a kid, put it in a big match box ( with toilet paper as a blanket, next to our pot belly stove in the kitchen. when I got up in the morning, the bird was still there but with out its head.. I cried,( I was about 7) Hope came to my side, rubbing my back saying... he is in heaven honey don't cry ! I cried even harder! whiffff... out his head? Hope and Bill cracked up! great story Tiffany, you had me at Hello!
My, what beautiful links you have!
ReplyDeleteSadly, this was the week the chipmunk under the refrigerator died, and 4 others were killed outside by the crew. Sometimes it's difficult to accept the flaws of the ones we love...
p.s. mice prefer flat Mountain Dew
How did I miss the fact that Meadow roams in the outside world? She would have paid me like a good paying full time job to let her sneak out and down the creepy stairs in Troy.